مبادرة أردنية في أميركا لمساعدة الوطن في أزمة كورونا

عمون - اطلق مجموعة من الأردنيين في الولايات المتحدة الأميركية حملة لجمع التبرعات؛ دعما للمملكة في مواجهة فيروس كورونا المستجد (كوفيد19).وبدأ هؤلاء المواطنون من خلال منصة اطلقوها بعنوان (كونيكت. جو)، وهي منصة على الإنترنت تربط الأردنيين في الخارج مع الجمعية الأردنية الأميركية في واشنطن وعدد من الجمعيات الأردنية الأميركية الأخرى، بجمع الأموال والتبرعات دعما للجهود الاردنية في هذه الظروف الاستثنائية.

http://www.ammonnews.net/article/534616 للمزيد

A Letter from our President Merissa Khurma

Dear Members and Friends of JAADC,

It is our pleasure to share our thoughts and news with you as the newly-elected executive committee starts its work in service of our Jordanian community in DC, VA and MD.

I’d first like to thank you for your vote of confidence and trust. I am honored and humbled to be the first woman President of JAADC. Most importantly, I am thrilled to be working with a stellar team in the executive committee and to serve you all; to strengthen our community, promote Jordan’s cultural heritage and strengthen Jordan-US relations.

Before we kick off our work as an executive committee, I’d like to ask you all to join me in extending our gratitude and appreciation to our outgoing President Rami Rihani and to our outgoing Membership Director Mohammad Shatnawi. Both Rami and Mohammad have been dedicated and committed leaders of JAADC from the very beginning of our organization’s journey. We will miss working with them but are also confident that we can always count on their support.

Lastly, join me in welcoming the new executive committee. Here are a few words from each one to our JAADC community.  Looking forward to an active and fruitful two-year term.

Ramadan Mubarak!


Merissa Khurma


“I am humbled to be joining an exquisite executive committee whose task is to advance the mission of JAADC, and to continue serving our community in the DMV area by staying relevant to your interests.  My focus for the next 2 years is to expand our membership footprint by connecting with more Jordanians, and to establish a framework of collaboration with other Jordanian associations in the US in an effort to unify our efforts and to strengthen our voice at the local and State levels”.- Fadi Samara, Vice President

“I want to thank you for the great honor and responsibility of electing me to serve as the Director of membership of this organization for the next two years. The executive committee and I will continue to work hard to meet the challenges that lie ahead and continue our efforts to achieve the organization’s goals. I am dedicated to creating new ideas that will attract more members and develop new sources of funding for the organization. We look forward to your continued support.” - Fadi Ghazwi, Director of Membership


“I’m looking forward to meeting our challenges over my next term and to help JAADC with its financial goals. Please engage with me and the executive committee if you have any ideas to support our growth and continued improvement.”- Salem Rihani, Treasurer


“It is an honor to serve you as JAADC's Public Relations Director. I hope to work with the other members of the Executive Committee to maintain and expand JAADC's exposure and outreach and bring to Jordanians in the DC area events and meetings that add value to our collective experience and address the current and pressing issues relevant to our community and beloved country.” – Lina Sawaqed, PR and Outreach


“Through the position of Social Co-Chair, I want to ensure that the broader DC metro communities are engaged on the issues Jordan face, and are exposed to the rich culture that Jordan and Jordanians have to offer. I look forward to seeing more of you at our social events.” Raed Samara, Social Co-Chair


"Thank you all for your continued interest in JAADC. It is my honor to serve as social co-chair for the next two years and hopefully plan and organize events of interest to you. I am open for suggestions and would love to hear from you too.”- Saba Gheishan, Social Co-Chair

الرزاز يلتقي الجالية الاردنية بواشنطن

واشنطن- بھدف تعزیز جسور التواصل والتعاون بین الأردنیین في أمریكا ووطنھم الأم، التقى رئیس الوزراء الدكتور عمر الرزاز، الیوم الجمعة في واشنطن، وبحضور سفیرة الاردن لدى الولایات المتحدة الامریكیة دینا قعوار، مجموعة من الأردنیین المقیمین في الولایات المتحدة الامریكیة. وأطلع رئیس الوزراء ابناء الجالیة الاردنیة، على نتائج الزیارة الإیجابیة الناجحة للولایات المتحدة والتي تمثلت بموافقة البنك الدولي على قرض A A A آخر الأخبار الغد الاردني تنبيهات للأردن بقیمة 2ر1 ملیار دولار بفوائد بسیطة جدا من اجل جدولة مجموعة من الدیون السابقة وإعطاء فرصة حقیقیة للاستثمار الخاص والعام في الاردن

Al-Ghad Newspaper

Roya News

JAADC Member Update for 2019

We look forward to another year of activities and volunteerism with all of you. A few points to share with you as we kickoff 2019:

  • JAADC will mark 5 years in the spring of this year. We couldn’t have gotten here without your support and active participation.  Please volunteer to plan a celebration with our executive committee members. Email us at committee@jaadc.org to volunteer

  • A few members of the executive committee along with a number of Jordanian professionals in international development and the private sector in DC met with Jordan's Prime Minister Omar Razzaz at an embassy-planned event. The meeting was fruitful and the discussion constructive; focusing on Jordan's economic challenges and opportunities for growth. We agreed to keep an open channel of dialogue with the government and all its members, particularly when they visit Washington, DC

  • JAADC 's executive committee will conclude its 2-year term in April 2019.  We encourage you to run for the upcoming elections in whatever capacity that suits your interests. Please express interest by replying to this email, and don’t hesitate to contact us with questions.  More details will come next month.

JAADC hosts Kawar with Jordanian community members

AMMAN — In celebration of National Women’s History Month, the Jordanian American Association of Washington, DC (JAADC) on Wednesday hosted Jordanian ambassador Dina Kawar as part of its Leadership Series (LS), a JAADC statement said.

Through these series, JAADC brings leaders from Jordan and the US to discuss issues of concern for both countries’ longstanding partnership.

Read more on Jordan Times Newspaper



American Jordanians share iftar in Washington

AMMAN — Jordanians in the DC metro area gathered on Saturday evening to enjoy their first fast-breaking iftar meal together in celebration of the holy month of Ramadan, according to a statement by the organisers.

Set up by the Jordanian-American Association of Washington DC (JAADC), the gathering was part of the association's social activities to strengthen ties between Jordanians living in Washington, DC, Virginia and Maryland, the statement said.

"Ramadan has always been a month of community and togetherness. It is truly a treat to be breaking bread together with our fellow Jordanians here," the statement quoted Rami Rihani, President of JAADC, as saying.

Read more on Jordan Times Newspaper

JAADC Community Gathers for Iftar

عمون - اقام تجمع أعضاء الجالية الأردنية في منطقة العاصمة الأمريكية واشنطن ليلة الجمعة افطارا احتفالا بشهر رمضان المبارك. و يعد هذا التجمع الذي تنظمه الجمعية الأميركية الأردنية في واشنطن جزءا من الأنشطة الاجتماعية للجمعية التي تهدف إلى جلب الأردنيين المقيمين في واشنطن وفرجينيا وماريلاند معا وتقوية الروابط المجتمعية.وقال رامي الريحاني، رئيس جمعية 'JAADC ': 'يعتبر شهر رمضان الفضيل شهر المودة والتآزر، ولذالك قمنا بتنظيم هذا الإفطار اليوم مع زملائنا و أصدقائنا الأردنيين لنرحب بهذا الشهر معا و نحتفل سويا.' و تعتبر JAADC منظمة غير هادفة للربح تهدف إلى تزويد المجتمع الأردني الأمريكي في واشنطن و ضواحيحا بمنصة مدنية واجتماعية وخيرية من أجل توحيد وتمكين مجتمعنا وربط العلاقات بين الشعبين الأمريكي والأردني وتعزيز الثقافة الأردنية في الولايات المتحدة.

